Restaurante Nagú

¿What is the Nagúnen club?

The suffix “–nen” in a Finnish surname means belonging to the place where your ancestors lived. For example, the surname “Virtanen” refers to a family whose home was near a stream. This type of surname is very common there, and we wanted to name our friends and preferred customers in the same way: Nagúnen, “those who are from NAGÚ”.


To be a “Nagúnen” means belonging to the community formed by those who enjoy the essence of Nagú, those who find in our premises a space where they can relax in a quiet atmosphere and savor good food prepared with honesty and tradition.

Welcome to NAGÚ/Tervetuloa NAGÚ.


Club benefits for members:


  • Preference in reservations

  • Invitation to tastings and tastings

  • Access to gourmet products with special prices

  • 15% discount on menu on Club Day

Complete this form to become part of the Nagúnen Club: